What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled?
That’s easy, Greece! I had the opportunity to live in Athens for five months during a study abroad program in college. I lived in a small flat with eight other girls that I had never met before. It sounds like a disaster in the making, but it was the time of my life. I was able to travel all over Greece and truly immerse myself in the culture. I believe it was because I could take my time and (excuse the cliché) smell the roses that made me fall in love with Greece that much more.
what do you do for a living?
I’ve worked in the tech industry since graduating in 2013! I manage Customer & Product Marketing for a software company based in Indianapolis. I work remotely full-time.
Where do you live?
My husband, Alex, and I have been living in Charleston since 2017, but we’re originally from the Midwest. Alex grew up in a small town in Ohio and I grew up in an even smaller town in Indiana. We both went to college in Indianapolis and lived there for eight years before we moved down south.